The brand-new Jewel solarium is available in My Sun Solarium studios.


The brand-new Jewel solarium, equipped with the latest technology and all its features, is already available in the My Sun Solarium studios in Zollikofen, Liebefeld, and La Chaux-de-Fonds. It will soon be available in all other My Sun studios.

Today's new devices are equipped with hybrid technology. This means that two different light spectra are combined: UV light (UVA and UVB) with red Beautylight (collagen light). UVA light is responsible for pigment formation and ensures a beautiful, healthy tan.

Unique tanner for shoulders and neck

Revitalizing yellow LED light in the facial area

Full body support with infrared LEDs for soft and smooth skin and a better tanning result, along with many other advanced and hybrid technologies.

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